Monday, February 13, 2017
Additional photos as of 2/13/17
Below: still some units are not complete.
2 Below might be Sun Trust Bank?
Below Photos are for the residential development for seniors on the western most 4 acres.
By Overture, Tel: 678 842-8800
Silly text "55+ Living for a New Generation". If you are over 55 you are not part of a New Generation.
Additional photos as of 2/13/17
Below: still some units are not complete.
2 Below might be Sun Trust Bank?
Below Photos are for the residential development for seniors on the western most 4 acres.
By Overture, Tel: 678 842-8800
Silly text "55+ Living for a New Generation". If you are over 55 you are not part of a New Generation.
(Main Number: 770-424-8274)
City Manager: Jeff Drobney
Police Department (Non-emergency)
Mayor and City Council:
She's Baacckkk! Kennesaw's very own Sarah Palin is now posting as herself -
What is going on in city hall?
There are two elected officials that are way off base as to why they were elected. One thinks the only people in this city that counts are the youth and themselves. Those youths will not pay the official’s monthly stipend. All they have done is spend our tax money on trying to educate themselves. They were elected to lead but instead chose to use the city and have done nothing to make this city better.
Now we have an elected official who is going to stage a stand-in at council meetings and work sessions for more pay for city employees. The time to make that stance known was at budget time, but instead they decided to keep quiet and voted for the budget.
Finally, we have an elected official who ran on a platform of being a consensus builder but instead we have this free for all. There is no consensus. Once again, it is politics at its worst ~ What is in it for the elected officials and screw the citizens.

Good question . . .
I will open this question up for observations and comments from others. Please keep responses on target to issues and concerns ~ Not specific people.

"Not specific people"------------------------------
Now how can you possibly do that?
Better not to even post the inquiry than to put artificial limits on what can be addressed on this site.
Those hinted at are in order of mention:Yvette Daniel,Jimmy Dickens,Mayor Easterling
Since you sit on the Council with the first 2 and deal weekly with all 3, there is no way to keep from mentioning names.
My bet is you remove the question entirely as too hot to handle.

When Legacy Park and English Oaks people (and those who voted for any or all of these), voted at the behest of someone's lies and manipulation or voted against someone because that person didn't jump when they demanded it, is as responsible for what's happening as those who are doing it.
You've also got Post 1 who continues to come to the dais unprepared because he still refuses to learn his iPad to get the Council Packet with details regarding what will be voted on.
Jim, you are the only one standing up to her, calling her on her spending and ridiculous actions. Derek has gotten on his knees and begged for your help because "I'm in over my head." All the while he promised he had all this leadership experience, knew how to build consensus, and would unite the city. He and those who pushed him have further divided this city.
I remember when Debra Williams ran the first time she made a statement that the only difference between Kennesaw and Washington DC is Kennesaw isn't on television. While on the council she and Jim were the only ones willing to stand against the self-serving politicians and politics in this town.
I voted for her and those who didn't have no reason to complain about what the new members are doing because they put them there.

For those who don’t take the time to look up who holds Post #1 in Kennesaw, it is James “Doc” Eaton, whose Council term expires in 2019.
And for those who might be wondering who the above post is from, although it is marked as Anonymous, it was our very own Debra Ashley Williams, who now it seems likes to refer to herself in the 3rd person.

Yea... that's funny. The software is kinda screwed up, isn't it? It'll inform you of the actual identity of the person when informing you of a new post, but the post will be marked as "anonymous".
Do you think she didn't figure that out?
I thought it was fun. Like a virtual masquerade party.

I'm sure she got blindsided by that bit of information. She made 4 of her Anonymous posts on this site slagging off both me and her whole 'enemies' list. I think she has more on her list than Nixon did.
I emailed Easterling, Dickens and Eaton asking if they would like to respond to my blog site which carries her posts. Only Doc replied within about 30 seconds 'NO'. But at least 30 in City have had copies of her comment sent to them.
I read somewhere that Jimmy Dickens lives at Revival, hope he likes to hear the trains and the all hours of the night fire alarms.

Are you kidding me? You think she didn't know, as smart as that woman is?
I thought she had some kind of double-back false flag psy-op thing going.

I posted anonymous Billy because you attack any person who doesn't hold the same thoughts as you or calls you out on your BS. (Like Cris, you just can't stand for someone else to have another opinion). Glad you shared my postings, nothing in them were false or lies, unlike your friend who occupied Post 1 prior to her Dad. And if posted what research I have on Derek and let people know how you supported him and boasted of his 'experience leading', and now bashing him, it would prove what I've said all along. 1). If you vote for someone and they then don't jump at your demands, you turn on them, because although you want to run things, you don't have the guts to run for office and put yourself out there to actually do the job and take the heat. 2). You simply want to stir the pot and cause trouble.
Craig - all I can say to you is - Bless Your Heart, I thought you were actually smarter.

Well Craig, my pet name from Davey Crockett (a.k.a. Bill Harris) is Debbie, because that is how he chooses to degrade females - he refuses to use their birth names. So I just obliged his practices and gave him the loving name of Billy.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was an imaginary friend or something.
You know.... this whole thing is so weird. You know I think you're an excellent writer, I really thought this whole thing was a literary device and you were adopting the persona of a petulant little school girl for effect.
Man, was I wrong. I've never been one not to admit when I'm wrong.
Why were you so viscerally opposed to anonymous postings when serving as an elected official?
Is it because you then couldn't make the discussion personal as you've done here?

Craig said: "You know I think you're an excellent writer".-----------------------------------------------------
I assume that was what is called 'tongue in cheek' as anyone with such poor writing skills, grammar and terrible spelling as Debbie has would probably be thought of as a HS drop out.
Kennesaw councilman ends stand but repeats message
Kennesaw councilman ends stand but repeats message
Dickens: Employee raises should remain priority
Jon Gargis MDJ 10-18-16
KENNESAW — Kennesaw council members on Monday said they were supportive of fellow Councilman Jimmy Dickens’ stand for increased city employee pay, but said they believed enacting such raises was not something that could be done overnight.
At the start of Monday’s city council meeting, Mayor Derek Easterling allowed Dickens to give a public statement, which the councilman used to address a silent protest he began last week for higher pay for those working in the city’s public works and parks and recreation departments, as well as those on the police force. He had stood and remained standing at Wednesday’s council work session to highlight the issue, and he told the MDJ Friday he intended to do so at the council’s meeting Monday.
Dickens, who stood as the meeting began and when given the floor by Easterling, said he would not continue to stand as his standing had “drawn more attention to myself and not the situation,” but added that he still wished to see employee salaries increased.
“I do apologize to the city workers including but not just the police officers who serve this great city of ours that some of them did not get a raise, and they should have,” Dickens said. “The mayor and council, we need to work on that. We need to find ways, even if it’s looking at some of our spending, the way we spend money.”
The City Council last month adopted a $28.3 million budget, which took effect Oct. 1 and included a 3 percent cost-of-living raise for employees. Dickens was among the council members who voted to approve the budget.
“I want to publicly apologize if my vote during the budget caused any of the city employees not to receive their fair pay that they so rightly deserve,” Dickens told those in attendance. “I want the mayor and council to let that be a priority of ours to get that together.”
Councilwoman Yvette Daniel said she agreed with Dickens, adding that she believed the 3 percent increase included in the city’s budget helped bring employees up closer to the salaries at which they needed to be.
“Everybody in the city needs to be brought up, and we need to find a way to do it, and quick. Morale is down,” Daniel said. “We don’t want to lose good officers or employees to other cities because we’re not paying them.”
Councilman Jim Sebastian, the only council member who had served on the council prior to this year, said he believed the cost-of-living increase was a good start.
“There are some years, we never gave a cost of living,” he said. “We’ve been through about seven or eight (tough years in the recession); fortunately for the city, we planned ahead so we really didn’t have to fire anybody, we didn’t have to let anybody go, but we had to re-budget.”
Councilman James “Doc” Eaton lauded Dickens’ effort and passion, but said the city’s options to increase pay were limited.
“I think it’s a very worthwhile cause, but he should have said something during the time when we were passing the budget,” Eaton said. “It’s not like we have a way of generating (more) money. We could raise taxes — that’s going to go over like a lead balloon. We could do away with the senior exemption — that’s going to go over like a lead balloon. That would be the only couple of choices that we’ve got right now to do anything about raising additional funds.”
Councilman Nimesh Patel said he believed Easterling and the council had been constantly looking at salary readjustments, but it was important to enact such changes in a fiscally responsible manner.
“I don’t think it’s going to be an overnight process — I think this is something we’re going to have to all work towards and try to have an action plan, not only for the next three to six months, but the next two to three years,” Patel said. “So doing it across the board tomorrow is not realistic, but I think having a plan we can communicate to the entire employer workforce is something that I think makes sense.”
No proposed action on employee salaries had been on the council’s agenda, nor did council members take any action on the issue.
Among the actions taken by the council were measures that resulted in the city growing by about 16.4 acres, as council members unanimously voted to annex from Cobb County four properties on Ben King Road into the city.
The four properties total about 16.4 acres. Two of them total nearly 15.4 acres and belong to Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, while the other two, each about half an acre, are residential properties.
Council members also agreed to rezone the four properties, though the approved rezonings maintain the properties’ current uses.
See also:
The Kennesaw Marketplace retail development, on the site of the old Castle Lake Mobile Home Park on Cobb Parkway, already has a Starbucks open for business, soon to open just across from the IHOP will be the Kennesaw Franchise of Newk’s Eatery (aka: KMH Dining Group, Inc.).
The franchise owners for this location are Missy Moon and Robert K Estapa. The location at 1975 Cobb Pky, will have a liquor license for beer and wine.
Newk’s has over 100 restaurants in 13 states. Details:
The area around Barrett Pky and Cobb Pky will have 19 restaurants open by the end of 2016.
Debbie Williams posts as Anonymous
One of the little oddities of the Wiselike application is that while you can post the original question as Anonymous and regular readers can't see who it is, if you reply to an existing post and choose to click on 'use Anonymous' for your reply, readers can click on the Wiselike bell at the top of the page and it will reveal who the anonymous poster is.
In the case of Ms. Debbie she posted replies 4 times trying to appear as Anonymous and she speaks of herself in the 3rd person.
As mentioned, no way to know if any question posted was by her, but of 5 times she made a reply to a post she used Anonymous 4 of the times.
Seems little Debbie is not quite as clever as she thinks she is.
In the 1st of 3 threads below are from the Wiselike site of Kennesaw Councilman Sebastian, I am going to take an 'educated guess' at the poster being Debbie Williams as not only the poster of the question but she also replies to the question commenting favorably on Debbie Williams when she is in fact Debbie Williams.
Can she be a couple sandwiches short of a picnic here?
Also, as to the 4 below replies by Anonymous it is confirmed by the Wiselike site that the person making the reply is Debbie Williams.
This is the referenced site:
Although the post replies on the thread can appear as Anonymous, the site reveals who actually posted a reply. Unfortunately the 'author' of the thread is not also revealed but you can probably make a educated guess that it was also Debbie Williams. Ms Williams is not quite as clever as she thinks she is.
1)Anonymous asked Jim Sebastian:
What is going on in city hall?
There are two elected officials that are way off base as to why they were elected. One thinks the only people in this city that counts are the youth and themselves. Those youths will not pay the official’s monthly stipend. All they have done is spend our tax money on trying to educate themselves. They were elected to lead but instead chose to use the city and have done nothing to make this city better.
Now we have an elected official who is going to stage a stand-in at council meetings and work sessions for more pay for city employees. The time to make that stance known was at budget time, but instead they decided to keep quiet and voted for the budget.
Finally, we have an elected official who ran on a platform of being a consensus builder but instead we have this free for all. There is no consensus. Once again, it is politics at its worst ~ What is in it for the elected officials and screw the citizens.

Good question . . .
I will open this question up for observations and comments from others. Please keep responses on target to issues and concerns ~ Not specific people.

"Not specific people"------------------------------
Now how can you possibly do that?
Better not to even post the inquiry than to put artificial limits on what can be addressed on this site.
Those hinted at are in order of mention:Yvette Daniel,Jimmy Dickens,Mayor Easterling
Since you sit on the Council with the first 2 and deal weekly with all 3, there is no way to keep from mentioning names.
My bet is you remove the question entirely as too hot to handle.

When Legacy Park and English Oaks people (and those who voted for any or all of these), voted at the behest of someone's lies and manipulation or voted against someone because that person didn't jump when they demanded it, is as responsible for what's happening as those who are doing it.
You've also got Post 1 who continues to come to the dais unprepared because he still refuses to learn his iPad to get the Council Packet with details regarding what will be voted on.
Jim, you are the only one standing up to her, calling her on her spending and ridiculous actions. Derek has gotten on his knees and begged for your help because "I'm in over my head." All the while he promised he had all this leadership experience, knew how to build consensus, and would unite the city. He and those who pushed him have further divided this city.
I remember when Debra Williams ran the first time she made a statement that the only difference between Kennesaw and Washington DC is Kennesaw isn't on television. While on the council she and Jim were the only ones willing to stand against the self-serving politicians and politics in this town.
I voted for her and those who didn't have no reason to complain about what the new members are doing because they put them there.

For those who don’t take the time to look up who holds Post #1 in Kennesaw, it is James “Doc” Eaton, whose Council term expires in 2019.
And for those who might be wondering who the above post is from, although it is marked as Anonymous, it was our very own Debra Ashley Williams, who now it seems likes to refer to herself in the 3rd person.
Ethics Question
New Council member Daniel will attend a 6 day $2400 ARC program 9/25/30. This was approved by a 5-0 vote in Council on June 20th. In effect she voted for her own 6 day vacation.
Why do Council members vote on issues that benefit them?
Didn’t the City Attorney cover this sort of ethics issue for the new members and if he didn’t why not.

Earlier in the year, the Council voted for the Leadership Cobb program for one member (Mayor or Council) to attend. At that time, there were no known members chosen. Ultimately, none were selected for the upcoming nine (9) month class.
Unbeknown to most of the Council, Ms Daniel applied (or was nominated) for the ARC program and was accepted. The vote you are referring to was to apply the $3,000 set aside for the Leadership Cobb program for the ARC program. There needed to be a vote as it was an unbudgeted item.
As a side, there are no funds in the upcoming budget allocated for these events. Each member has a set allowance for classes/travel and that is it. You can track each elected officials spending via an Open Records Requests. You will find some spend everything they have while others spend next to nothing.
We were not advised by the City Attorney regarding the specifics of who could vote or not vote on this issue as it was considered a generic fund. Given she took the route of asking for forgiveness rather than notifying and getting approval of the Council ahead of time is something you need to address with her.

Davey Crockett•
Even if there was no formal ‘Introduction to Ethics’ provided by the City Attorney, it should be obvious to anyone with connected brain cells that if a course of action is going to benefit a serving Council member that said member should avoid casting a vote on the issue.
Also it would have been nice had others on the Council suggested that if she wanted to go back to her old S. Georgia neighborhood for 6 days that she should pay for it herself.
$2,400 is a lot of taxpayer money for a new council member, for a Mayor, maybe but what use is this for one of 5 council members? This sort of pork barrel stuff should not happen.
Hopefully the City didn't issue her a credit card. Her past bankruptcy and large debts should be enough to make a credit card out of the question.
I recall that in the closing days of the old mayor Mathews administration he wanted to get an expense paid trip to some place out west for a conference and even the old City Council had enough guts to say that the City wasn’t going to pay for the trip. He went anyway but had to pay for it himself.
A pretty poor showing that this new Council wasn’t even up to the minimal standards of an old Council.

Let's see. If I'm correct, and. Daniel has been in office for seven months and has gone on two long distant trips on tax payers dollars. Not to mention th spending hike on those trips. Now we see she is attending another program, all in her first seven months. She's requested additional monies for education and travel - all TAX PAYERS dollars.
Exactly who monitors the Mayor and Council spending? It's very evident Ms. Daniel has found her cash cow in the Kennesaw government and most citizens are just to naive to see it, or they simply don't care.
Ms. Daniel campaigned on transparency, financial stewardship, and honesty. Appears it was typical politician rhetoric. Does Kennesaw really have that much excess money to be paying for a "government funded lifestyle" for this Councilmember? Are people afraid to confront Ms. Daniel or the Council regarding the spending taking place with this new Council? This ARC program is not mandatory, it's a luxury. Are we to continue to pay for the political career plans of a local politician with a questionable past financially and educationally.
Didn't the prior Council reduce the Mayor/Council budget around $32,000? Now Ms. Daniel is requesting to increase it for her personal/professional benefit? With her bent on 100% disability, she can't work and draw a paycheck, so she chooses a profession in politics for the "recognition".
How can he citizens stop this erroneous spending by the "tribe" before it's too late, and put those dollars where it's most needed?

If she is on any sort of 'disability pension' whoever issued it should take a look at the 2014 video She had about 50+ of them online of her exercise and pole dancing classes but shortly after initiating her run for Council Ms Welsh clued her in that it wouldn't be a good idea to have them up.
The referenced short one above was missed in the rush to get them off line. Clearly Ms Daniel is in no way 'disabled'. If she is getting an Army or Cop disability pension then someone needs to contact that agency and let them know that she is in no way 'disabled'.
Council Spending Follow Up Question
Someone asked about the council you have a breakdown of the mayor and council spending for this year?

There are several reports that outline M&C spending. All of them cover certain segments of spending such as: (1) Travel & Education (2) Equipment (3) Meals (4) Entertainment (5) Credit Card spending (6) General Ledger Allocations (7) Check Registers (8) Miscellaneous and come from different departments. There is not one comprehensive report that summarizes the total spending of the M&C.
In the past, some elected official spending was hidden in other departments so as not to be traceable. I am trying to identify safeguards to eliminate hiding of spending by the M&C as well as recommending the elimination of credit cards for elected officials.
I have most of the reports and working with them to consolidate so one can see ALL of the spending pertaining to each elected official. However, this year will be fractured due to personnel changes from the election and calendar year numbers verses fiscal year accounting. I will post the spending of everyone when final edited reports are available.

I look forward to finding out what charges Council member Yvette Daniel has run up, what/if anything she claims for her educational expenses and what/if anything she is using her credit card for.
With her extremely poor financial decisions in her own life, both bankruptcy and stiffing local merchants, I expect that there will be plenty there to complain about.
There should be no credit cards for Council members. If payment for a legit expense is needed, then save the receipt and get it reimbursed later.

Ms. Daniel is not the only newly elected official with bankruptcies in their past. Why focus on only one elected official, all should be closely monitored as the Mayor himself admitted to knowing nothing about budgets.
With certain prior Council members drastically reducing the Mayor/Council budget, and that group having more financial expertise in their backgrounds, I believe their reducing that particular budget should show the waste included and Ms. Daniel's request to increase it again should show her true nature for running for office. Those who vote in the affirmative with her, including the Mayor, will prove their self-serving status that was creatively disguised during the election.

Kennesaw voters seem to like electing bankrupts, including one former mayor who stiffed 44 people and firms out of over $1,100,000 and he still got reelected.
Ms. Daniel is in my mind a 'special case', someone who also stiffed her landlord for what I heard was 100K, moved out in the middle of the night from her exercise studio. She has a trail of bad debts following her.
During the run up to her election she posted as Catcher Freeman, made racial insults towards both White and Blacks, even calling Jimmy Dickens an 'Uncle Tom', bashing her former landlord Mr Patel and in her actions and posts showing her true colors.
Go look for yourself at: In years of posts I have taken to task Mathews, Church, Dickens and Daniels. If those who run against candidates don't do their research of County and Federal records then they can't complain when they lose to them.

I understand you stating doing research on those few listed. Did you also research Easterling, Killingsworth, and Eaton? The current Mayor has as much, if not more financial baggage as Ms. Daniel as well as additional questionable background equally important.
Not sure why there is picking on one or two when others are due equal scrutiny. Research is a novelty in today's elections rather than the norm. It's equally, if not more, important for people to do their research these days than ever before.

I have found that some folks are 'known by' their middle and last name and omit the first name, others may use a nickname rather than their full name, this applies to the first 2 below. Also you may need to check various 13 Federal Circuits if they have lived outside of Georgia (11th Circuit), ie: Jimmy Dickens from NC (4th Circuit).
08-61529-crm Charles Derek Easterling and Dawn Michelle EasterlingCase type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: C. Ray MullinsDate filed: 01/31/2008 Date of last filing: 07/27/2009 Date discharged: 06/02/2008Date terminated: 06/02/2008
04-71201-mhm George Leroy Grumbein and June Lula GrumbeinCase type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Margaret MurphyDate filed: 07/09/2004 Date of last filing: 10/16/2004 Date discharged: 10/14/2004Date terminated: 10/14/2004
02-11284-JSD Yvette DanielCase type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Hon.: John S. DalisDate filed: 04/17/2002 Date of last filing: 08/26/2005Date terminated: 08/26/2005
09-74712-mgd Timothy Alan KillingsworthCase type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Mary Grace DiehlDate filed: 06/07/2009 Date of last filing: 10/20/2012Debtor discharged: 09/18/2009Date terminated: 10/18/2012
09-73096-mgd Mark Rea Mathews and Betsy Kaye MathewsCase type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Mary Grace DiehlDate filed: 05/21/2009 Date of last filing: 04/01/2010Debtor discharged: 10/22/2009 Joint debtor discharged: 10/22/2009Date terminated: 03/30/2010
98-68112-pwb Matthew John Riedemann and Beth Paulson RiedemannCase type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: Paul W. BonapfelDate filed: 05/07/1998 Date of last filing: 04/10/2006 Date discharged: 01/26/2002Date terminated: 04/22/2002
01-21396-RBR Nimesh PatelCase type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Raymond B. RayDate filed: 03/05/2001 Date of last filing: 09/10/2001 Date discharged: 07/10/2001Date terminated: 09/10/2001
11-64956-pmb Brigette Pennington Washington and Anthony WashingtonCase type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: Paul BaisierDate filed: 05/19/2011 Date of last filing: 06/08/2016 Plan confirmed: 03/08/2012------------------------------------------
95-00426-5-ATS Jimmy Devall Dickens and Cindy Denise DickensCase type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: A. Thomas SmallDate filed: 04/07/1995 Date of last filing: 12/21/1995Date terminated on the ‘Debtors Motion to Dismiss’: 12/29/1995
Misc: A very old filing may apply to another council member but records are not clear enough to be sure the case is for this person.
GONE AGAIN? ‘The Kennesaw Watch’
I look in now and then to see if there is any new whining and moaning about the elected Kennesaw folks.
Usually there is nothing new.
Today it seems that it is off line or hopefully just ‘gone’. Maybe Debbie decided she needed to put more time into her floundering PR business and took it down.
Old timers might recall that once upon a time the Watch and Patch provided good info on what was going on in K. Both sent reporters to cover the K council.
Those days are now long gone and for some months the Wick internet site was closed down and then reopened under the new Editor (Debbie).
The only reason for it to reappear was to take shots at the new K City Council. Remember when Debbie was on the Council and quit to run for Mayor? Of course she lost big time and never got over it, taking up the new Editorship of the Watch as a forum to snipe at the Welsh supporters on the new Council.
At least 2 of the new folks could use some sniping at. Yevette Daniel* is 10 miles of bad road and Doc is just the hand puppet of his former Councilman daughter.
So perhaps the Watch will be back or hopefully it has disappeared for good.
Only time will tell.
4/19/16 the 'comments' and replies to them are of more interest than the initial post which is pretty much just whining about how bad the people in office are, feel free to skip over the actual article and go direct to those comments and replies:The Kennesaw Watch
Does The Truth Hurt? Does Honesty and Integrity Truly Matter?
by Debra Williams
by Debra Williams
In the past few weeks, the questions regarding whether there was factual information to what was being rumored through our city regarding our new Mayor and Council Members was actually true. It was, it is, and there is more than being posted.
Once a portion was revealed, the attacks on the truth became paramount. Being called bitter, angry, poor loser, etc., etc., etc., began being posted on Kennesaw Unites, Ms. Welsh's personal page, along with being discussed in her office, requesting sharing.
What can not be said is that it is not the Truth. Something we all repeatedly say we value. If that's the case, then why all the darts and arrows? Wouldn't the electorate want to know the truth about their choices?
Maybe those casting stones should read their own postings. Is there truthful supporting material for that or is it simply an opinion or misguided anger against the truth? Surely it couldn't be because it would uncover a deceitful agenda.
When did citizens, not only in Kennesaw but across the US, stop believing and demanding honesty, integrity, high moral and ethical standards in their leaders?
Why do we abhor the truth and praise a lie? When did our value system plummet to such a disgraceful level? Why do we happily accept the immoral and unethical lifestyles and values of elected leaders yet if it happened to us personally, we would be enraged? Are we saying it's ok for it to happen to others as long as it doesn't happen to us? Are we so unconcerned with the future of our city, county, state, and country that we accept whatever is presented to us? Or is it because we can't stand up against those actions because we too are guilty? Guilt can be a enormous force in decision making?
So, we call people names who speak truth. We discuss them as if they are bad people. So why does it bother us for someone to be truthful? After all, isn't it what we tell our children to be? Aren't they usually punished for a lie? Isn't being truthful part of what makes a good citizenry? Do we want a good citizenry or have we relegated ourselves to accepting a dishonorable population?
Is Truth judging or is it simply Truth? Using scripture to support a stance is weak unless one is able to accept everything in scripture and not just pick and choose. What's the old adage, are you practicing what you preach? Are you checking the book you're using to quote from regarding the Truth and exposing the Lie?
Maybe the real questions should be - Why do we not want to hear the truth? Why are we afraid of the Truth? Why are we afraid to stand up for the Truth and against the Lie?
Maybe we should ask ourselves - why have we become such weak people that we seal our lips and hope KARMA will handle it?
A Councilman has a site where questions can be asked/answered.
One of my comments on the Church pension issue and I gave my opinion on the prior Councils lack of doing anything publically (like demanding he resign) about Church for all those months he continued on the Council.
Debbie is still in a snit over her loss in the Mayor’s race and is now and then posting unflattering comments about elected City officials on the Kennesaw Watch.
In the referenced 185 word rant she said in part: “I guess you approve of the lies by those selected”.
Yep, Debbie is still a bad loser.
One thing she did was recognize just how bad her whining and snotty remarks were and she removed and changed about a dozen posts she had made on the Kennesaw Watch.
She was a bit late in doing that as I had already copied them and they are posted at:
I was notified of the question/statement made so I came to view it for myself. Couple of things here. Mr. Harris has his facts wrong, but that's nothing new.
1). Cris and I have not had bad for years, just when I refused to back her candidate.
2). I never intended to run for Mayor (but you'll never believe that and that's ok).
3). I didn't defend Mr. Church (your opinion is just that - not fact. I defended the right to a fair trial via our Constitution) I guess if you would show up to meetings you would get the picture. 3). My writings on The Kennesaw Watch are factual and holding our elected accountable.
I guess you approve of the lies by those selected and that's ok, I wouldn't expect less since that's who you voted for.
1). Cris and I have not had bad for years, just when I refused to back her candidate.
2). I never intended to run for Mayor (but you'll never believe that and that's ok).
3). I didn't defend Mr. Church (your opinion is just that - not fact. I defended the right to a fair trial via our Constitution) I guess if you would show up to meetings you would get the picture. 3). My writings on The Kennesaw Watch are factual and holding our elected accountable.
I guess you approve of the lies by those selected and that's ok, I wouldn't expect less since that's who you voted for.
Now, would you please stop using everyone else's internet space for your rants, raves, distorted opinions, and bad blood. You have left Kennesaw so why still the infatuation.
You no longer vote here, your voice is irrelevant here. You moved out, so move on.
You no longer vote here, your voice is irrelevant here. You moved out, so move on.
The old ‘Kennesaw Watch’ was here for a few years then departed, only to be brought back after the last Kennesaw election with the ‘new’ editor being the defeated candidate for Kennesaw mayor.
The old Watch gave the then viable Kennesaw Patch a run for its money and sent representatives to cover Council Elections and local issues.
The re-constituted Watch is nothing like the old one.
Today’s Watch is not a journalistic endeavor, it is a platform for one persons sniping at the current administration of Kennesaw and that is all it is. It isn't an ‘Internet Newspaper’ anymore and it does not allow any contrary opinions.
I know this because I was banned from posting there and I have seen other posts critical of the site disappear. Here is one post that was removed 3/11/16, it starts out agreeing with a ‘Chris’ whose post is not to be found (already removed), see for yourself what is being said about the current Watch:
The old ‘Kennesaw Watch’ was here for a few years then departed, only to be brought back after the last Kennesaw election with the ‘new’ editor being the defeated candidate for Kennesaw mayor.
The old Watch gave the then viable Kennesaw Patch a run for its money and sent representatives to cover Council Elections and local issues.
The re-constituted Watch is nothing like the old one.
Today’s Watch is not a journalistic endeavor, it is a platform for one persons sniping at the current administration of Kennesaw and that is all it is. It isn't an ‘Internet Newspaper’ anymore and it does not allow any contrary opinions.
I know this because I was banned from posting there and I have seen other posts critical of the site disappear. Here is one post that was removed 3/11/16, it starts out agreeing with a ‘Chris’ whose post is not to be found (already removed), see for yourself what is being said about the current Watch:
“Laura Henderson O'Rourke Chris, so true. There is nothing unbiased about this page.
It leans more toward a "hate page." As someone stated, the posts here have very
few "likes." I "liked" the page before I had read through Debra's opinionated
posts thinking it was a valid City of Kennesaw page
and that it would present Kennesaw in a positive
I bet quite a few others have made the exact same mistake.
I have since "unliked" Debra's "page of unhappy rants."
many have said, if Debra was truly a good journalist, she would present her
comments in an unbiased setting. As is, this serves as a personal page and Debra
deletes every single comment that runs contrary to her vengeful, hateful
mindset. Sad way to live your life!”
find the occasional comment of the Watch editor of interest, here is one
FYI: “It's
been far too long since we have held our elected officials accountable for their
actions in representing the people,”
in particular wrong with that sentiment, but it is written by a former council
member who ran on a platform of change, got elected to a 4 year term, served 18
months, quit, and ran unsuccessfully for mayor.
The Ethics Manual she was working on never even got to a rough draft
before she decided she would rather be the mayor than be on the council. So much for her ‘representing the
is now out of office and rather than departing by saying ‘Good Luck to the new
Mayor’ she whined and moaned and made a fool out of herself with her bad
sportsmanship. Probably her poor loser
antics have made any future run for any office
now she has the old June Wick Internet newspaper to run. Unfortunately it is just being used as her
own personal platform to get back at those now in office and to rant against her
former council mate (Ms. Welsh, now out of office) who she believes is the
puppet master behind the current K administration.
Today we experienced yet another melt down by the losing candidate for
Mayor. She is now the 'editor' of the Watch.
This is the old internet newspaper of June Wick.
This is the old internet newspaper of June Wick.
Wick closed it before the election and afterward opened it as a platform
for Debbie Williams' rants and raves, first about how she felt cheated and
betrayed by not getting elected mayor, then she moved on a bit to carp and wail
about the current administration.
Complaints about new Council member Yvette Daniel are well based as she is
10 miles of bad road, the rest of the BS from Debbie is just her own venom and
So today she went off again and has removed the couple thousand words of
those posts.
Fortunately I am use to her deleting things, she deleted mine and finally
banned me from the site, so I copied them before she had a chance to remove
them, take a look at the below to see how unhinged she has become:
Posted on Watch 3/11/16
Posted on Watch 3/11/16
We Are Growing
by Debra Williams
Thank you to those who have "liked" The Kennesaw Watch. Our numbers have and continue to increase daily - that's how you know people are appreciative of the truth.
We completely understand not everyone will like what is posted, we don't expect them to. They will attack personally without any supporting materials to back their argument, it's simply personal and they are defending their friends - we get it. We will still report it with documentation supporting our post. Popular or not.
What we won't allow to remain are the personal attacks of the writer without legitimate documentation to prove your argument is fact.
Our FB Cover explains who we are and who we will continue to be. Again, thank you to the many new viewers who appreciate the hard, raw, reporting of our local government. It's been far too long since we have held our elected officials accountable for their actions in representing the people, being Honest, Transparent, Fiscally responsible, and Personally responsible.
===================================================================Your actions in an elected position are a direct reflection of your personal actions and decisions. Unfortunately, the two can not be separated.
Posted on Watch 3/11/16
1 hr ·
We are expanding our
writer base. Writers too will be bringing valid articles on our government
processes, practices, finances, ordinances, and elected officials.
Supporting documents are required for any specific statement
made where it is made as a statement vs. a question.
Again, you may not like the writings but that doesn't mean it
isn't true, and if you have any supporting material to dispute it, please
provide it, but griping for the sake of griping will not remain posted.
The Kennesaw Watch
will not be allowed to be used as an emotional arena just because someone may
not personally like what is being said. Bring facts, not opinions
5 hrs ·
Please reread.
Disagreeing with the post is fine. Attacking the writer personally and ranting
personally rather than addressing what is written in the article is not a
viable post. Bring your supporting material and I'll be glad to retract and
correct the post.
23 hrs ·
Should you not like what is posted on The
Kennesaw Watch, you do not have to visit this page, it is optional.
We specifically state we will be transparent
with the government and elected officials. What we post has supporting
Local leadership is no different than
National. When you step into the political arena you become "public".
Just as I did when I served.
Politics is not a position for the faint hearted.
Keeping our heads in the sand and accepting the status quo and simply not
wanting to believe the truth just doesn't make it untrue.
Rarely will you get raw, hard, facts from the
MDJ or the AJC because investigative journalism just isn't done anymore.
Here, the post has legal, public records for
supporting material. Records you can get for yourself should you choose to do
We should hold our Leaders to a high moral and
ethical standard, after all, when you pressed that button you put YOUR reputation
on the line for them. And when you come to their defense without knowing who
they really are, you become associated with everything they are. That's how
human nature judges you.
While some may hate our posts, there are just
as many who appreciate the frankness. It's evident in the fact our numbers
continue to grow.
You can stay or you can go - we will continue
to post the facts whether they make you feel good or not.
Know who we are and read with the
understanding that although you will not always agree The Kennesaw Watch will
not be afraid to post the truth and facts with supporting documents, and we'll
also address those things not true.
The Kennesaw
Watch This has become a few people's griping post. The
research I have will soon be posted after I complete scanning it in. It will
humiliate those involved but you all seem to not believe the truth so I'll
leave you to argue with the facts.
Kim Hanley
Gibson If you have nothing to hid then why are you deleting
post where you say you had to get your lawyer involved about something you said
to me, to make sure it wasn't something I could come after you.
1) I have better things to do than be scared that your going to "let me have it."
2) In an open blog you are going to have people not agree with you.
3) If you only want to hear how wonderful people thing your blog is, than maybe it should be invitation only.
4) I'm sure that you will want to delete this post also, and it won't hurt my feelings.
1) I have better things to do than be scared that your going to "let me have it."
2) In an open blog you are going to have people not agree with you.
3) If you only want to hear how wonderful people thing your blog is, than maybe it should be invitation only.
4) I'm sure that you will want to delete this post also, and it won't hurt my feelings.
The Kennesaw
Watch First of all the "let you have it" is the
supporting material none of you believe. Don't change the meaning of the
thread. 2). I didn't get an attorney p, someone else showed it to them and they
have said no threats were made. 3). I haven't asked for nor want just the page
praise, but viable rebuttals of the arguments with supporting materials are
always welcomed. 4). If deleting all these posts including my own doesn't hurt
your feelings, why are you so upset about it and keep coming back mentioning
Not once have any of you answered my questions nor addressed the fact that the statements are right or wrong, just that I have written about them. Why haven't you responded to that? Do you have any questions whether what I've written is the truth or not? That will make a viable conversation.
Not once have any of you answered my questions nor addressed the fact that the statements are right or wrong, just that I have written about them. Why haven't you responded to that? Do you have any questions whether what I've written is the truth or not? That will make a viable conversation.
Kim Hanley
Gibson I didn't ask for your supporting materials, so guess
that left the "let you have it" open for different interpretation.
Kim Hanley
Gibson I haven't needed a lawyer to look over anything I
said, but whatever.
Kim Hanley
Gibson I'm just going to continue to live in my Happy City
of Kennesaw - Legacy Park bubble. wink emoticon
I like it here!!!
I like it here!!!
The Kennesaw
Watch Kim Hanley
Gibson and that is wonderful. I have friends in there who love
the subdivision but are embarrassed with the Private FB page and the people on
it. I don't hate Legacy, but will not change my articles to placate it.
The Kennesaw
Watch Kim Hanley
Gibson the attorney is actually one of your Legacy residents
who was asked by another Legacy resident.
The Kennesaw
Watch Kim Hanley Gibson it
was a reply to Ms. O'Rourke and you grabbed it.
Kim Hanley
Gibson You only mentioned my name in your "let you
have it " remark.
The Kennesaw
Watch It automatically popped up when I typed in and I hit
post before I caught it to back your name out and make a general post of
supplying the information.
Kim Hanley
Gibson It would only automatically pop up if you started
typing my name first. My name and Laura Henderson
O'Rourke name don't start with the same letters. Good attempt
for a cover up though.
Chris Harrison It's
clear that you are not interested in honest discourse here. Clearly you wield a
heavy hammer when comments do not align with your commentary.
Regarding your quest for truth, and higher moral standards and all - everything you listed prior to deleting all of our comments from this morning and leaving only 1 comment favorable to you and this page - truth and morals can be highly subjective. Your standards and my standards may be two separate things. Again, making this an opinion site, not a shining beacon of journalism or whatever you hope it is.
If this is an opinion site, then you should welcome the opinions of those in the community you are "serving" instead of railing against individuals and groups within that community.
And, cue countdown to deletion in 3, 2...
Regarding your quest for truth, and higher moral standards and all - everything you listed prior to deleting all of our comments from this morning and leaving only 1 comment favorable to you and this page - truth and morals can be highly subjective. Your standards and my standards may be two separate things. Again, making this an opinion site, not a shining beacon of journalism or whatever you hope it is.
If this is an opinion site, then you should welcome the opinions of those in the community you are "serving" instead of railing against individuals and groups within that community.
And, cue countdown to deletion in 3, 2...
The Kennesaw
Watch There hasn't been discourse, just whining and
The Kennesaw
Watch So what does your post have to do with rebutting the
article you're posting under? Do you have facts to support the opposite? This
post is telling you what we cover and post. It isn't an opinion site because we
have legal supporting documents to back up everything posted. What are your
supporting documents? I will give you time to read this before this is all
If you have supporting documents to discuss with, fine, griping isn't a viable post.
If you have supporting documents to discuss with, fine, griping isn't a viable post.
Chris Harrison I
have engaged in neither. Yet I have had several comments deleted for no
discernible reason other than they did not align with your view.
You are correct, that is not discourse. It was an attempt at discourse on my part.
I will respond to your second comment when I return home this evening.
You are correct, that is not discourse. It was an attempt at discourse on my part.
I will respond to your second comment when I return home this evening.
The Kennesaw
Watch Chris Harrison cool. When I delete the strand p, they all
went away, even mine.
Congratulations? 2 days before (see post below) she had no use for Patel. Quite a flip flop here.
by Debra Williams
by Debra Williams
As of 12:30 today, qualifying closes for Kennesaw City Council Post 3. Nimesh
Patel is the lone candidate and therefore will be sworn in and take office on
April 4, 2016.
Patel is the lone candidate and therefore will be sworn in and take office on
April 4, 2016.
Best wishes to Mr. Patel in his endeavor on the City Council, and in the next
18 months I pray our City will be diligent in observing you, your word, your
vote, and your actions, and find you worthy to elect the following four years.
18 months I pray our City will be diligent in observing you, your word, your
vote, and your actions, and find you worthy to elect the following four years.
Mr. Patel has served on the KDA prior to stepping down to run for Council Post
3, and I admire his respect for our City to serve on a Board prior to running in
order to learn, comprehend, and experience the processes and learn the
operations. It's unlike any job or volunteer work anyone has served in before,
and nothing prepares you more than preparing yourself in the proper manner,
and I thank YOU, Mr. Patel, for doing that.
What Mr. Patel has learned by serving on the KDA will benefit him greatly in
this position.
this position.
To clarify a rumor circulating, the "bankruptcy" in Cobb Superior Court was
based on an error with the credit card company and Mr. Patel challenged it
and was found to be in the right. It was dismissed and Mr. Patel should not be
held in a negative light for an error out of his control. (I pulled the records
myself and reviewed all of them). Not everything someone posts is the full
story, so I implore you to do your own research and not get wrapped up in
the gossip/rumor mill and have it affect your judgement of Mr. Patel.
The Kennesaw Watch - Rumor has it, first of the Welsh minions to
run for Post 3 seat, Nemish Patel.
run for Post 3 seat, Nemish Patel.
Guess the 94% who stayed at home last election will do so again and allow Legacy Park to make all the decisions for the city of kennesaw.
Let's look at the seating:
Post 1 - Eaton (managed by Legacy Park)
Post 2 - Daniel (lives in Legacy Park)
Post 3 - Highly possible Legacy Park Resident and
close friend of Welsh, and Mayor - Easterling (following election, English Oaks was not good enough anymore and he's moving to . . . yep, Legacy Park!
There you go. Kennesaw Citizens, you have completely lost your voice!
COMMITMENTS - To Encourage It, You Must Understand It, and Your Actions Prove It.
By Debra Ashley-Williams
In a recent writing by Kennesaw Mayor, Derek Easterling, in a local paper, he talks about COMMITMENT, “It’s doing what you say you’re going to do in the big things and small things, even when no one is looking. Success in business and personal life involves making commitments.” He goes on to write,
“Commitment is a conscious decision that involves connecting to something bigger than yourself. It is up to every individual to make similar commitments to themselves, their family and friends, their business associates, and the community where they live. Find the courage to expect from yourself what you admire in others.”
“Commitment is a conscious decision that involves connecting to something bigger than yourself. It is up to every individual to make similar commitments to themselves, their family and friends, their business associates, and the community where they live. Find the courage to expect from yourself what you admire in others.”
Now, that’s a pretty encouraging statement. What are some things we would COMMIT ourselves to? Do you COMMIT yourself to a marriage – isn’t a marriage vow a COMMITMENT to another person? “FOR BETTER OR WORSE, RICHER OR POORER, IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH, TIL DEATH DO US PART?” Is that a COMMITMENT? I’m sure Mayor Easterling’s five ex-wives would love to know the meaning of COMMITMENT. Is an adulterous relationship a COMMITMENT? If so, to whom are they COMMITTING? Oh yeah, he does clarify that in his writing “It is up to every individual to make similar commitments to themselves. There it is – SELF!
When applying for a credit card, or taking a loan from a bank, we sign a contract stating we understand and agree to all the requirements listed to take part in their program. Isn’t that a COMMITMENT? You lend me money and I COMMIT to making the required payments until the loan is paid in full.
I’ll charge purchasing on this credit card you have approved and will make timely payments until all balances are cleared, and should I not pay on time, I understand I will pay a late fee? Our signature is our COMMITMENT to uphold all requirements.
I’ll charge purchasing on this credit card you have approved and will make timely payments until all balances are cleared, and should I not pay on time, I understand I will pay a late fee? Our signature is our COMMITMENT to uphold all requirements.
Our jobs also require a COMMITMEMT. When we sign our name to the acceptance agreement and go through all the necessary paperwork to become an employee of that company, what we’re saying is ‘I am fully capable of fulfilling the requirements of the job description and will do so with the integrity of this company first and foremost.’
To talk about or encourage COMMITMENT, one must first understand what it means, understand what it takes to be COMMITTED, understand that it DOES NOT mean putting yourself first (as stated in his writing, and you’ll notice ‘self’ was the first one listed).
Unless you understand COMMITMENT, you’ll consistently be unable to keep your word. Not understanding what COMMITMENT is will show in the life you lead, the actions you take, the words you say, and the outcome of the choices you have made. You CAN NOT expect of others what you yourself cannot do. It’s liken to the old adage “Do As I Say Do And Not As I Do.” Has that worked for anyone?
The dictionary defines commitment as: a pledge or promise, obligation. (Their example: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.)
Let’s look at some facts regarding Mayor Easterlings inability to be COMMITED. (These were obtained through Public Records, which are legal and available for anyone doing research). Only one bankrupt is listed here. Two liens. One employee record.
Take a close look at income (also receiving child support) vs. expenses, and the individual debt owed. In a note he owed an additional $53,624.00 when he divorced his fifth wife.
If we continue to elect those who have shown no COMMITMENT personally, and in numerous areas personally, we shouldn't be surprised with their inability to be COMMITTED to integrity, honesty, transparency, and truth. I recently read, IF YOU WANT TO BE TRUSTED - BE TRUTHFUL!
(Divorce records are not posted here to protect the innocent involved.) Marriage License shown is not clear but shows 6th marriage (other marriages/divorces not listed here but are available for review).