The Whole Foods signage is finally on the exterior and just a few days ago Amazon finalized their take over of this chain . Several months ago it was announced by Amazon that the WF name would remain when they took over.
This store is still under construction and is 'scheduled to open in the fall'. Several months ago I inquired and was told 'November', but the interior build out has been progressing quickly that the date is now put at November 6th.
This store is still under construction and is 'scheduled to open in the fall'. Several months ago I inquired and was told 'November', but the interior build out has been progressing quickly that the date is now put at November 6th.
The Kennesaw, location is 1300 Ernest Barrett Parkway, Kennesaw, GA 30144, which locals will recall is the same place that the old Castle Lake Mobile Home Park was located.
That park still exists on an abbreviated 23 acres just north of their 53 acres which was sold by the Canadian Slumlords the Ergas family to Fuqua Inc., and those 53 acres now comprise the Kennesaw Marketplace Mall with WF as one of the major tenants.
The mall is on the NW corner of Barrett Pky and Cobb Pky, just across from the IHOP restaurant.
For more info see:
David Blinkhorn, Candidate Kennesaw City Council Post 5
1) Should the city enact 'term limits' for all elective offices? If so how would configure them?
I am a firm believer in our political process. All citizens are given the opportunity to elect who they want as their representative. Representatives should be held accountable to the communities they represent. If the voters decide the representative is doing a good job, then the representative should remain in office. If not, then the voters have the opportunity to elect someone else. Enacting term limits does not enhance the process nor encourage accountability.
2) Should City taxpayer funds continue to support the Museum and The Gardens, keeping in mind that neither has ever, nor will ever, generate any worthwhile funds by themselves? If you favor continued support, at what level?
Museums, public gardens, parks, and city events are important parts of our community that may or may not generate significant income for Kennesaw. When promoting Kennesaw to the tourism industry and businesses, it is important to present a vibrant community offering a multitude of cultural and civic opportunities.
I am all for looking at these things from a fiscally responsible position as well as assessing the value they add to our community. Too often these issues center on the idea of cut or don’t cut. Until we have exhausted all the ideas of increasing revenues and partnerships in these areas of cultural importance, I am for continuing the financial support.
3) Should those in elected City positions be subject to suspension (with or without pay) for any criminal acts involving 'moral turpitude' which resulted in their arrest during their term of office.
First and foremost everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I do believe we should have a process in place to deal with this issue as it opens the city up to financial risk and liability. Regardless of the criminal activity involved, elected officials should be able to do the job they were elected to do AND defend themselves of charges against them at their own expense. If the situation becomes too much of a distraction or interferes with city business, then I am for suspension with pay until such time as the criminal case is resolved.
4) Should the outdated method of running for Council 'posts' be eliminated in favor of those candidates receiving the highest vote totals being elected? (i.e.: if 7 people qualify to run for 3 posts, the 3 with the highest number of votes are elected.)
Residents should feel comfortable knowing that when they vote and elect their representatives they will be fairly represented. If that is at-large positions, top vote winners, or post representatives, I think it is up to the communities to decide. I do not favor having everyone run against each other and take the top vote winners. The potential for one or more area or group of our community being under represented would be too great. I favor a variation of what we have now with Posts but instead of at large you should have to live in the Post you represent.
5) Should inquiries be made to determine if the City would benefit financially by merging the KPD with the Cobb Police? If there were a worthwhile savings, would you favor such a merger?
Kennesaw is proud and blessed to have such a skilled and professional police force. To suggest Kennesaw might be better off by merging with Cobb Police would be overstating the possible financial gains against the safety and well-being of the residents of Kennesaw. I am all for doing due diligence in exploring any and all options for the betterment of Kennesaw, but the conclusions and results of that due diligence cannot be exclusively financially driven.
6) Kennesaw has up to now considered itself to be a major player in Georgia's support of Southern independence during the War Between the States. Now there is a backlash against anything 'Confederate'. Will you support efforts to ban anything Confederate from City property. Such things may include, flags, historical markers/plaques, cemetery markers, re-inactors use of City property.
This is such a highly controversial topic, and it is my hope and desire that Kennesaw will peacefully resolve this issue and, yes, be a model of how a community should act in times of such a charged atmosphere. However, the question being asked here is not the question the Kennesaw City Council is currently being asked to address.
Kennesaw City Council is being asked to remove the Confederate Flag from the Memorial Park downtown. Legally the city is not able to do that, so they passed a resolution to ask the Georgia legislature to take up the issue and remove the restrictions so individual cities can make these decisions on what should or should not be displayed at the local level by local representation.
I fully support the Council’s decision to seek a resolution from the Georgia legislature to change the laws so that local communities can decide what symbols are appropriate to be displayed by the city. It was the right decision to follow the law and process to resolve this issue peacefully and not subject the city to undue lawsuits and expenditures.
To answer the question posed more directly, I am for removing the Confederate flag from Memorial Park in downtown Kennesaw. Flying such a controversial and divisive symbol on city property does not send a clear message that we are a community of inclusion, diversity, and unity.
While I am for removing the Confederate flag from Memorial Park downtown, I am adamantly against arbitrarily removing any and all Confederate memorials, statues, plaques, or even forbidding re-enactors on city property. These are two separate issues. The flag is not a reflection of Kennesaw city values of presenting a welcoming environment for visitors and business. Statues and plaques and re-enactors are not meant to denigrate, threaten, or intimidate but rather educate and provide a record of our history good or bad. The Confederate flag today is overwhelmingly seen as a symbol of hatred and violence and should not be flown in Kennesaw Memorial Park.